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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP2)


Hide details for 11.0.1 FP811.0.1 FP8
Hide details for CalendarCalendar
KMOACPH4NXiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where the Japanese six day (六曜 Rokuyo) secondary calendar was only shown until Dec 2024.
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
SIBNAAVCTEiNotes - Calendar - Fixed an issue where a private calendar entry would appear as busy in the freetime/busytime information even though it was marked...
Hide details for Client AccessibilityClient Accessibility
ADEECSQJ8MClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue with JAWS 2021 where not all characters of the subject field in a mail message were being...
HNAKCPQCHEClient - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where Jaws was not reading information from mail documents in mail files other than the mail file defined in...
ASIACNJCF9Client - Accessibility - Fixed an issue where JAWS was not reading ? and ! characters in the Notes client
Hide details for CompactCompact
NGRTCKJ9NEServer - Compact - Fixed an issue with compact where a deadlock could occur.
Hide details for DatabaseDatabase
SRKMBW7EQ2Server - Database - Fixed an issue where user was unable to store documents > 7MBs in a large summary enabled database.
PKVEBZFQLNServer - Fixed an issue where DBMT would stop running on server.
JJSR8L65SPServer - Database - Fixed a data specific crash that could occur in Cmovmem. Workaround was to recreate the database via the repair...
JPAIC2NL68Server - Database - Fixed a dbmt hang that could occur when a downlevel database was in the list to be compacted
Hide details for EditorEditor
AYAVCQEJ84Client - Editor - Fixed an issue where pasting text from Notepad could result in a long delay of up to a minute. This regression was introduced in...
YYUNCNSAAEClient - Editor - Fixed a hang that could occur in a document when selecting a collapsed section containing an attachment from the bottom to the top....
ASIACEHPARClient - Citrix - Fixed an issue where "Copy as document link" was not working in Citrix VDA version 2109. To enable this fix, set...
PPALCPCDK8Client - Editor - Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a document that contains numbering inside forms. This regression was introduced in...
SAIACQ7G7UClient - Editor - Fixed an issue with numbered bulleted lists where bullet numbers did not reset correctly when editing email from outlook. This...
XYGUCRYBLLClient - Editor - Fixed an issue in the Traditional Chines Notes client where all characters would be changed to a small font (DengXian) after copy...
HYZGCS56C5Client - Editor - Fixed an intermittent crash that could occur after copy/paste of Traditional Chinese characters. This regression was introduced in...
Hide details for FixupFixup
SPAYCRJ7DJServer - Router - Fixed an issue where an error message "Router: Unable to deliver message <message id> to <recipient> from <sender> Invalid...
Hide details for Full TextFull Text
RMAACN9JPAServer - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where full text indexes were not including attachments of type .txt.
JBUDCMASELServer - Full Text Indexing - Fixed an issue where Full text indexing didn't handle the FT_INDEX_BRUTE_FORCE_ATTACHMENT_TYPES INI correctly unless...
RSTN7XBD4CClient - Infobox - Fixed an issue where the size of the full text index was incorrectly reported in the Database property "Full Text" tab when the...


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